Visitors have frequently asked, “Why did you build Pathways Spiritual Sanctuary?”
The answer isn’t simple or easy. To truthfully and completely tell the story behind the creation of Pathways Spiritual Sanctuary required writing a book. It’s a story that begins in a tin shed called The Turkey Shack.
This book, The Turkey Shack―A Journey to Love is now available inside the gates of Pathways Spiritual Sanctuary for a suggested $20 donation per book. The book may also be ordered online.

Author's Preface
I’m a guy who wears Carhartt jeans, with pliers in the pocket. I also was the CEO of a $65 million agribusiness and the Executive Director of a $100 million-plus science research laboratory during its startup. Along the way I had spiritual experiences that mystified me. I didn’t shave my head, don robes or join an ashram. My life continued, but it was changed.
In 2010, I created Pathways Spiritual Sanctuary on my ranch in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Based on my history, you might think I’m an unlikely person to create a spiritual sanctuary, so let me tell you up front what I am not. I am not a guru. I am not a psychologist, philosopher, theologian or a person with a degree in any field that would seem relevant to spirituality. I do have bachelor’s and master’s degrees, but in agricultural economics. I remain the guy in Carhartts, a Nebraska farm kid, who happened to have some extraordinary experiences that allowed me to see a new world of love, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness.
This book is the story of that journey—a story that begins in a tin shed called the Turkey Shack.
Dave Snyder
Pathways Spiritual Sanctuary